Concealed Weapons Permit Classes in South Carolina Conceal Carry Weapons Classes 

CWP Classes in South Carolina
Phil Callahan, Head Instructor
Office 864-243-9744
Cell 864-221-3238
1271 Latimer Mill Road
Honea Path, SC, 29654

About Citizens With Pistols

Citizens With Pistols is dedicated to providing South Carolina residents with the comprehensive training required by SLED to obtain a Concealed Weapons Permit (CWP).  We provide students with a safe, friendly, confortable learning environment, concentrating heavily on (YOU, the student) gaining the knowledge, skills, and attitude necessary to own and safely use a pistol.

from Phil Callahan, Head Instructor

phil callahanMy Dad taught me to use and respect firearms at a very young age.  Retirement is allowing me time to teach others how to protect and defend themselves.  We live in rural lower Greenville County where a crime watch chapter was started as a tool to help neighbors help neighbors.

I wanted to be a part of making a difference.  Concealed Weapons Permit Classes are a WEAPON of information.  Having you a part of our program is a pleasure we always look forward to do.



Protect your Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms.